Tohnichi is a global leader in torque innovation. Their high quality, high accuracy products represent immense added value for manufacturers. Simple implementation of bolt tightening systems have measurably increased productivity, product quality, worker efficiency, and overall product safety and reliability across a wide variety of industries.
Tohnichi Products
Tohnichi Highlights

Torque Screwdrivers
Tohnichi torque screwdrivers are used in both assembly and inspection. For tightening screws at a given torque during production, the rotary slip torque screwdriver with over-torque prevention is the perfect fit. Direct reading torque screwdrivers are ideal for inspecting the torque of already tightened screws. Choose from manual and pneumatic options, preset or adjustable, with both dial and digital readouts.

Measuring Equipment
Torque sensors, meters, and gages facilitate measurement of very specific products. Measure very small torque (0.05cN·m-150cN·m) using ATG and BTG gages. For measuring cap opening torque, such as torque on bottle caps, Tonichi’s torque meters offer unrivaled flexibility and precision. All gage and meter models are available in both digital and analog varieties.

Testers and Checkers
Inspect, test, and calibrate your specialized torque instruments with Tonichi’s line of testers and checkers. Use the TDT3-G to test digital torque screwdrivers, and choose from a wide variety of torque wrench testers depending upon your specific tool and production needs. Torque wrench line checkers, and rotary peak torque meters are available for in-line inspection, so production never slows down. Calibration kits are available for nearly all Tonichi product lines.