How cool is this? We give it a 10 on the Wow-o-meter!

Watch the assembly of the Space Launch System rocket that will launch the Artemis 2 crew to the moon, happening at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans.

We can only imagine just how many CMMs and other advanced metrology instruments have been utilized in the machining, manufacturing, and testing of the thousands upon thousands of safety-critical components in this masterpiece of engineering.

ZEISS Industrial Metrology’s unequaled portfolio offers the most innovative, feature-rich lineup of CMMs to measure complex shapes, surface profiles, and even non-linear features, such as curves and freeform surfaces. Coordinate Measuring Machines flawless accuracy, tight tolerances, and improved productivity deliver consistently.

Job and machine shop suppliers in the Aerospace Manufacturing sector rely heavily on quality excellence delivered from ZEISS CMMs to efficiently produce complex components and parts where industry compliance is crucial.

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